Precambrian Ecosystem
River Environment
Ken Sugitani's Group
Members of Ken Sugitani's Group of Ecology Laboratory, Nagoya University
Please visit to the topics and photo gallery at the bottom of this page!
2022.3.8 CRC-pressからEarly Life on Earth: Evolution, Diversification, and Interactionsを出版しました!
Kenichiro Sugitani 杉谷健一郎
Professor, DSc
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Associate member of the Australian Centre for Astrobiology
Asian Editor of Astrobiology
Editorial Board Member of Geobiology
Ms. Mariko Yamamoto 山本真里子
PhD, Technical staff
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University
Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Room S379
Research: Ecology of diatom in tidal flat environments
Ms. Kaho Ishibashi 石橋果歩
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University
Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Room S380
Ms. Mizuki Takashima 高島瑞月
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
School of Sciences
Nagoya University
Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Room S380
Mr. Sabu Tamai 玉井佐武
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
School of Sciences
Nagoya University
Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Room S380
Listen to the voice of Nature!
Archean geobiology
Targets: 3.0 to 3.4 Ga microfossil assemblages from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia and the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
Riverine ecology
Targets: Behaviors of nutrients including trace metals in dam reservoirs and streambed biofilms.
Publications (selected and recent)
! Also please see topics and photo gallery below this publication list !
Sugitani, K., Mimura, K., Senda, R., Kouketsu, Y., Simon, W., Takagi, N., Iizuka, T., Lowe, D.R., 2023.
Origin of silicate spherules and geochemistry of Re and platinum group elements within microfossil-bearing Archean chert from the 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia. Astrobiology (in press)
杉谷 健一郎 2023
2-16地球太古の生命の痕跡 II:微化石 In 生命の起源の事典 朝倉書店
Sugitani, K. 2023.
Strelley Pool Formation. In Encyclopedia of Astrobiology 3rd ed. Springer.
Mazumda, R., Chaudhuri, T., De, S., Bauer, W., Al Hadi, M., Sugitani, K., van Zuisen, M.A., Senda, R., Yamamoto, M., Raju, P.V.S., Ohta, T., Catuneanu, O., Mazumder, S., Saito, S., Shimoooka, K., 2022
Paleoarchean surface processes and volcanism: Insights from the eastern Iron Ore Group, Singhbhum craton, India. Earth-Science Reviews 232, 1004122.
Coutant, M., Lepot, K., Fadel, A., Addad, A., Richard, E., Troadec, D., Ventalon, S., Sugitani, K., Javaux, EJ., 2022
Distinguishing cellular from abiotic spheroidal microstructures in the ca. 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation. Geobiology 20, 599-622.
Sugitani, K., 2022
Early Life on Earth: Evolution, Diversification, and Interactions. CRC Press.
Delarue, F., Bernard, S., Sugitani, K., Robert, F., Tartese, R., Albers, S.-V., Duhamel, R., Pont, S., Derenne, S., 2021
Microfossils with tail-like structures in the 3.4 Gym old Strelley Pool Formation. Precambrian Research 358, 106178.
Delarue, F., Robert, F., Derenne, S., Tarts, R., Jauvion, C., Bernard, S., Pont, S., Gonzalez-Cana, A., Duhamel, R. Sugitani, K. 2020
Out of rock: A new look at the morphological and geochemical preservation of microfossils from the 3.46 Gym-old Strelley Pool Formation. Precambrian Research 336, 105472.
Sugitani, K., 2019
Cellular microfossils and possible microfossils in the Paleo and Mesoarchean.
In "Astrobiology - Origin, History, and Search for Life in Space" edited by A. Yamgishi et al., Springer
Kozawa, T., Sugitani, K., Oehler, D.Z., House, C.H., Saito, I., Watanabe, T., Gotoh, T., 2018
Early Archean planktonic mode of life: Implications from fluid dynamics of lenticular microfossils. Geobiology, DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12319
Mori, N., Sugitani, K., Yamamoto, M., Tomioka, R., Sato, M., Harada, N., 2018
Major and minor elemental compositions of streambed biofilms and its implications of riverine biogeochemical cycles. Environmental Pollution 243, 308-317
Sugitani, K., 2018
Fossils of ancient microorganisms. In "Handbook of Astrobiology" edited by V. Kolb, CRC press.
Sugitai, K., 2018
Early Archean (pre-3.0 Ga) cellularly-preserved microfossil and microfossil-like structures from the Pilbara Craton - A review. In "The Earth's Oldes Rocks 2nd Ed" edited by M. J. Van Kranendonk et al., Elsevier.
Alleon, J., Bernard, S., Le Guillou, C., Beyssac, O., Sugitani, K., Robert F., 2018.
Chemical nature of the 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool microfossils. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 7, 37-42.
Delarue, F., Robert, F., Sugitani, K., Tartese, R., Duhamel, R., Derenne, S., 2018.
Nitrogen isotope sigantures of microfossils suggest aerobic metabolism 3.0 Gyr ago. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 7, 32-36.
Sugitani, K., Kohama, T., Mimura, K., Takeuchi, M., Senda, R., Morimoto, H., 2018.
Speciation of Paleoarcehan life demonstrated by analysis of the morphological variation of lenticular microfossil, from the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia. Astrobiology 18, 1057-1070.
Delarue, F., Derenne, S., Sugitani, K., Baudin, F., Westall, F., Kremer, B., Tartese, R., Gonzalez, A., Robert, F., 2018.
What is the meaning of hydrogen-to-carbon ratio determined in Archean organic matter? Organic Geochemistry 122, 140-146.
Delarue, F., Robert, F., Tartese, R., Sugiutani, K., Tang, Q., Duhamel, R., Pont, S., Xiao, S., 2018.
Can NanoSIMS probe quantitatively the geochemical composition of ancient organic-walled microfossils? A case study from the early Neoproterozoic Liulaobei Formation. Precambrian Research 311, 65-73.
Oehler, D.Z., Walsh, M.M., Sugitani, K., Liu, M.-C., House, C., 2017.
Large and robust lenticular microorganisms on the young Earth. Precambrian Research 296, 112-119.
Schopf, J.W., Kudryavtsev, A.B., Osterhout, J.T., Williford, K.H., Kitajima, K., Valley, J.W., Sugitani, K., 2017.
An anaerobic ~3400 Ma shallow-water microbial consortium: Presumptive evidence of Earth's Paleoarchean anoxic atmosphere. Precambrian Research 299, 309-318.
Delarue, F., Robert, F., Sugitani, K., Tartese, R., Duhamel, R., Derenne, S., 2017.
Investigation of the geochemical preservation of ca. 3.0 Ga permineralized and encapsulated microfossils by Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Astrobiology 17, 1-11.
Delarue, F., Rouzaud, J.-N., Derenne, S., Bourbin, M., Westall, F., Kremer, B., Sugitani, K., Deldicque, D., Robert, F., 2016.
The Raman-derived carbonization contiuum: A tool to select the best preserved molecular structures in Archean kerogens. Astrobiology 16, 407-417
Sugitani, K. Cellular microfossils and possible microfossils in the Paleo and Mesoarchean.
国際生物学賞記念シンポジウムも無事終わり、Andy Knoll氏と記念写真。
一般向け講演の前にはShuhai Xiao氏が研究室訪問。一通り太古代微化石を見た後に一言 “I am convinced." 百聞は一見にしかずとはこのこと。
Kozawa, T., Sugitani, K., Oehler, D.Z., House, C.H., Saito, I., Watanabe, T., Gotoh, T. (in press)
Early Archean planktonic mode of life: Implications from fluid dynamics of lenticular microfossils. Geobiology
Chapter 41. Early Archean (pre-3.0 Ga) cellularly preserved microfossils and microfossil-like structures from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia — A review: Kenichiro Sugitani
Chapter 8.7 Fossils of ancient microorganisms by K. Sugitani
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